Happy Halloween, everyone.
I apologize for my lack ofUPDATING
last week. My grandmother passed away last Friday, then I had SASS, and now we have to deal with the wake. As a result, I have been extremely busy and I’ve had to push some things behind. I will try to get to everything this weekend. For those waiting on answers from me, I will get them to you. I promise.

First thing on the agenda, SASS is over and it was a fantastic time. It was just what needed especially after the sudden news. I enjoyed meeting everyone and I’m pretty much out of my swag now (save for lots of Lengths of Love bookmarks and postcards). Pictures will beCOMING SOON
. Let me get through the wake first and I promise things will be back to normal.

Second news, both Sweet Love and Four of the Usual Suspects are on Audible now! The latter is a short book so it will be great for those of you who take long trips or have a long commute during work. I’m also putting a link to both audiobooks so you can check them out. I also have freeAUDIOBOOK
codes so if anyone wants one, drop me a line!

Sweet Love:
Four of the Usual Suspects:
I have HalloweenFREEBIES
! Since it is Halloween, how about two paranormalFREEBIES
? Both The Reaper’s Apprentices books are free on Kindle today and tomorrow. You can also get them from Smashwords as well.

The Contracts:
Finally, the most important piece of news. I’ve started a new work HOWEVER it is not part of a series. This book is an erotica book, it’s standalone, and I will try to write it in a month. I will give details on it tomorrow. I wanted to do it for NaNo but the idea would not leave me alone so I started it early. Oops. Therefore, we may possibly have this out by December. However, there is no guarantee on that. If I can’t get it out by Christmas, the definitely by January.
Well, I’ve got to get back to writing. Do not worry. I’m still working on my other things. I hit 42K on the newPC
book so there is that!
