Well, Sweet Love is also going to be turned into an audiobook
. So that means I’ll have about fourAUDIOBOOKS
; Into the Limelight, Wrapped in Death and Chocolate, Four of the Usual Suspects, and Sweet Love.

I’m two sales away from reaching a milestone at Smashwords. If I hit it, I might do something special. *wink*
Since I still haveFREE AUDIBLE
codes for Into the Limelight, here’s three for anyone who wants them; first come, first serve.

- E4B54J5Y8J87J
Well, everything is set with the editor so I’ll be sending The Reaper’s Apprentices #2 and Patterns & Parallels #2 to them (either that or Black Paradise Circus #2). I need toUPDATE
The Reaper’s Apprentices #1 cover but my designer is on vacation.

In any case, The Reaper’s Apprentices #2 is coming up next either later August or early September. The series is a paranormal romance or at least it will lead to it. I do recommend reading book 1 first. If you read book 2, you’ll still get it but book 1 sets things up. It’s the girls’ story whereas book 2 is the guys’ story. It’s now up on the other places too like Barnes & Noble so if you read on Nooks, now you can read this!
I also need to order some more swag, which I’m lagging on. I’m getting the formatting updated on Wrapped in Death andCHOCOLATE
right now. I’m so behind on everything and Sassy in the South is in October. Go figure. That usually happens right before.

on current books:

Flavors of Love #2: 35K (most likely the next book to be finished and out in winter)
Cirque Macabre #2: 13K
Ghosts of Burning Inn #2: 15K
book: 11K

TRA #3: 5K
Hopefully, this weekend will lead to someUPDATES

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