Saturday, December 10, 2016

December news

Hello and welcome to the first post for December. Writing has been going well if nothing else. I'm back to Omaha but that doesn't mean I slowed down writing. I started book 3 of Perfect Human, added a little more to The Reaper's Apprentices #4, add more to Portman's #6, and other things. However, the main thing I did was write and finish a story called Castles In Flames and Ice. It's a two-part series with the first part called Rebirth. Book two, which I will probably start soon, will be called Return. This book is an ice skating f/f romance (yes, I was slightly inspired by Yuri On Ice but it's far different story). I'm amazed that I finished it so fast.

Okay, on the side of releases...Midnight Lessons will be re-released on Monday. Yes, it's coming back. The audiobook is out on Audible right now and the ebook will be soon. Make note that is for ages 18 and up. It is also very short.

Thirdly, looking at stock photos for figure skating is kind of hilarious. Some of the faces they make when jumping and spinning...I can't fault them for it, of course. It's hard to keep a straight face for that. But it's still kinda funny. I need them for some teasers and it's hard to find some that fit my characters.

In the meantime, I'm making changes for a lot of things. Here is what is in store for 2017 so far:

Castles in Flames and Ice #1 & #2
The Reaper's Apprentices #4 and the prequel
Perfect Human #2 (and possibly #3)
A short story collection
Crossing Paths #2
Portman's Creamery #6

Those are for certain, the rest is up in the air including Patterns #4 and Ghosts #3. Of course, you can never say never to anything.

That's about it for now. I have to do my December newsletter as well. I'll be back later,


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