Tuesday, December 1, 2015

New short post

I’ve been very behind on stuff here but I’m just making an update on the latest PC book. It comes out on the 8th! I’ve also got some events coming up. It’s Becca’s first book. This is the last book of the year so yay for that. Nothing else coming in December but this!
Preorder links:
Updates on works:
Ghosts #2: 37K
Cirque #2: 41K
P&P #3: 22K
PC #5: 15K
TRA #4: 1K
As you can see that I’ve added some newer stuff. As some books near the 50K mark, I remove them from the list because they are at the finishing line (though not technically finished). I’ve got so much planned for 2016. I’ll let you know of them soon!

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