Saturday, October 31, 2015


Happy Halloween, everyone.
I apologize for my lack ofUPDATING last week. My grandmother passed away last Friday, then I had SASS, and now we have to deal with the wake. As a result, I have been extremely busy and I’ve had to push some things behind. I will try to get to everything this weekend. For those waiting on answers from me, I will get them to you. I promise.
First thing on the agenda, SASS is over and it was a fantastic time. It was just what needed especially after the sudden news. I enjoyed meeting everyone and I’m pretty much out of my swag now (save for lots of Lengths of Love bookmarks and postcards). Pictures will beCOMING SOON. Let me get through the wake first and I promise things will be back to normal.
Second news, both Sweet Love and Four of the Usual Suspects are on Audible now! The latter is a short book so it will be great for those of you who take long trips or have a long commute during work. I’m also putting a link to both audiobooks so you can check them out. I also have freeAUDIOBOOKcodes so if anyone wants one, drop me a line!
Sweet Love:
Four of the Usual Suspects:
I have HalloweenFREEBIES! Since it is Halloween, how about two paranormalFREEBIES? Both The Reaper’s Apprentices books are free on Kindle today and tomorrow. You can also get them from Smashwords as well.
The Contracts:
Finally, the most important piece of news. I’ve started a new work HOWEVER it is not part of a series. This book is an erotica book, it’s standalone, and I will try to write it in a month. I will give details on it tomorrow. I wanted to do it for NaNo but the idea would not leave me alone so I started it early. Oops. Therefore, we may possibly have this out by December. However, there is no guarantee on that. If I can’t get it out by Christmas, the definitely by January.
Well, I’ve got to get back to writing. Do not worry. I’m still working on my other things. I hit 42K on the newPC book so there is that!

Friday, October 23, 2015

Signing and new audiobook.

Well, I’m all packed and ready for SaSS#15 tomorrow. Yes, I’m going in the morning since the town is only two hours away. I’m bringing Wrapped, Ghosts #1, The Contracts, Hearts Under Ice, Paper Hearts, Sweet Love, Cirque Macabre, and Lengths for Love with me. I left my Easter basket at work so I got a Halloween bucket instead and I’m raffling away a bunch of stuff in it; candy, two of my books, bookmarks, postcards, lip balms, other swag, and 3 free audiobooks for the winner.
I’m a little burned out as well because my grandmother passed away last night so it’s hard to be both excited and sad at the same time. I’m still coming though! It’s too late to back out now.
After what felt like eternity, Sweet Love’sAUDIOBOOK is finally out!
For the ebook, it’s also here too:
That’s about it for now. I will have pictures tomorrow!

Friday, October 16, 2015

Master List (for my sake)

This is just a reference page for my sake really. I want to keep up to date with what’s out and what will coming out. It also helps me seperate all the books I’ve got in different series’. I will try to update this website and all other social media soon. Just let me feel a little better, physically and emotionally. 
Note: I’m updating the prices on some of these books on Kindle so I’m using the B&N links for them.
Cirque Macabre
#1 The Show Must Go On
#2 The Vanishing Act (coming Winter/Spring 2016)
The Reaper’s Apprentices
#1 Awakened
#2 The Contracts
#3 In the Blood (coming spring/summer 2016)
Operation: Genome
#1 The Warriors Awakened
#2 The Anti-Genome Group (coming summer 2016, maybe earlier)
Portman’s Creamery
Wrapped in Death and Chocolate
Four of the Usual Suspects
The Dangers of Art (coming Nov/Dec 2015)
The Sugar Mountain Murders (coming spring 2016 most likely)
Arsenic With a Cherry On Top (coming either later 2016 or early 2017)
Ghosts of Burning Inn
#1 Into the Limelight
#2 A Taste of Fame (coming spring 2016)
The Patterns & Parallels Saga
#1 Hearts Under Ice
#2 Paper Hearts
#3 Heart of Metalia (coming Fall/Winter 2016)
Flavors of Love
#1 Sweet Love
#2 Distant Love (coming Nov 2015)
#3 Painful Love
Black Paradise Circus (Portman’s Creamery Arc)
Secrets Under the Big Top
A Pile of Bones
Down to Ashes (coming in 2016)
I’ll explain each series when I get some time. Right now, I did this mostly to help myself get organized.


Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Paper Hearts is Live!

The next book in The Patterns & Parallels Saga is finally out. It’s available everywhere now and it’s also available in paperback! This book is shorter than the first because I kinda ran out of steam once I was done. Book three will probably be much longer though.
To see where it all started, you can check out the first book here:
(I’m not linking all the sites for this one but you can find it everywhere now)
Updates on current works:
TRA #3: 40K
Sugar Mountain Murders (PC): 33K
Ghosts #2: 27K
Cirque #2: 22K
Flavors of Love #3: 10K
P&P #3: 20K
Right now, I’m trying to tie up loose ends on Flavors #2 and get that ready for the editor on the 21st. Depending on when she gets it back to me, I should have this ready by November. I’m afraid I won’t be able to have this in time for SASS  :( There is also one more PC book coming once I get the cover. Then that’s it for this year. No idea what book I will release first next year. The race is on!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Posting time

I realize I haven’t posted much lately and that’s because my depression has made me spiral a little. It’s sometimes very hard for me to post anything (or even do anything). I’m still keeping up with my writing though at times I am struggling. That’s why I haven’t talked much about anything. Things are also pretty slow on theAUDIOBOOK front. Sweet Love was finally approved for retail but the link isn’t up yet. Four of the Usual Suspects is slowly but surely getting updated.
I will be ordering my books for SASS this weekend. Those who buy from me will get a special swag pack. This is the last call for pre orders!
Some good news. Patterns & Parallels #2 is up in a few places. You can check them out now.
Links to Patterns & Parallels #2: Paper Hearts
In addition to that, P&P #1 will be free on Saturday and Sunday on Amazon. So if you’ve never read the series, you canCHECK it out before it’s officially supposed to come out.
I also have book one out in Nook:
The updates for current books are slow but that’s the depression taking over. I will try to get back on track soon.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Updates (mostly PC related)

I was going to update earlier but I've been hit by a wave of depression at this moment. I think it's combo of so many things going wrong at once. I don't have a whole lot to talk about right now. Still, there are some things.

First, Flavors of Love; Sweet Love was finally approved for production for audiobook. I know it took a while but we're there! Still waiting on Four of the Usual Suspects though. But links on that coming soon. I've also secured an editor for book 2, Distant Love. That, I want to release by November of this year. 

Secondly, Paper Hearts is with formatters now and hopefully will be ready for you by the 13th. I do advise reading Hearts Under Ice before touching the second book.

In the meantime, I am trying to get my Portman Creamery mysteries in order. My PC books do not follow any set timeline so you can start with whichever book you want. If you want mostly female characters and mysteries, this is your series. Plus ice cream! Everyone loves ice cream...well, most people love it.

This series also has its own playlist that I made on Spotify. If I can figure out how to post that, I'll do it one day.

The current and next couple of Portman Creamery books (excluding BPC or any future arcs): 
Wrapped in Death and Chocolate (Stacey's mystery):*Version*=1&*entries*=0
Four of the Usual Suspects (Pippa's mystery):*Version*=1&*entries*=0
The Dangers of Art (Becca's mystery):
Coming Nov 2015
The Sugar Mountain Murders (Mary Beth's mystery):
Coming Mar/Apr 2016
Arsenic With a Cherry On Top (Winky's mystery)
Fall/Winter 2016
Then it will start back with Stacey again (or possibly someone else depending on my mood). Irene and Chrissie, being the leaders, usually won't get their own cases (except on a rare occasion). We'll see though. I'm thinking Mary Beth's mystery might be my first book that I release in 2016. 

I'm going to try to shake my depression and set up my stuff for SASS soon. I'm so behind.
