Saturday, October 31, 2015


Happy Halloween, everyone.
I apologize for my lack ofUPDATING last week. My grandmother passed away last Friday, then I had SASS, and now we have to deal with the wake. As a result, I have been extremely busy and I’ve had to push some things behind. I will try to get to everything this weekend. For those waiting on answers from me, I will get them to you. I promise.
First thing on the agenda, SASS is over and it was a fantastic time. It was just what needed especially after the sudden news. I enjoyed meeting everyone and I’m pretty much out of my swag now (save for lots of Lengths of Love bookmarks and postcards). Pictures will beCOMING SOON. Let me get through the wake first and I promise things will be back to normal.
Second news, both Sweet Love and Four of the Usual Suspects are on Audible now! The latter is a short book so it will be great for those of you who take long trips or have a long commute during work. I’m also putting a link to both audiobooks so you can check them out. I also have freeAUDIOBOOKcodes so if anyone wants one, drop me a line!
Sweet Love:
Four of the Usual Suspects:
I have HalloweenFREEBIES! Since it is Halloween, how about two paranormalFREEBIES? Both The Reaper’s Apprentices books are free on Kindle today and tomorrow. You can also get them from Smashwords as well.
The Contracts:
Finally, the most important piece of news. I’ve started a new work HOWEVER it is not part of a series. This book is an erotica book, it’s standalone, and I will try to write it in a month. I will give details on it tomorrow. I wanted to do it for NaNo but the idea would not leave me alone so I started it early. Oops. Therefore, we may possibly have this out by December. However, there is no guarantee on that. If I can’t get it out by Christmas, the definitely by January.
Well, I’ve got to get back to writing. Do not worry. I’m still working on my other things. I hit 42K on the newPC book so there is that!

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